Software Engineering: Principles and Practices
出版单位:机械工业出版社 出版日期:2023年10月
China Machine Press, Oct. 2023
本书从软件工程的本质出发,系统、全面地介绍软件工程技术和软件工程管理,同时介绍了智能软件工程和群体软件工程等新方法,内容覆盖SWEBOK 第4版的核心知识域,案例贯穿软件工程核心环节。
Starting from the essence of software engineering, this book systematically and comprehensively describes software engineering technology and management. It also introduces new methods such as intelligent software engineering and open source software engineering. The content covers the core knowledge domains of SWEBOK version 4.
This book highlights the agility, intelligence, and Devops of software engineering.
Supporting resources can be found at: http://base.sjtu.edu.cn/book/.
Software Engineering in the Internet Age
出版单位:上海交通大学出版社 出版日期:2021年11月
Publishing House of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Nov. 2021
作者:蔡鸿明 沈备军 任锐
This book focuses on the analysis, design, and operation and maintenance of enterprise-level software systems. It fully describes the theoretical methods and technologies from software life cycle, software product evolution, and agile management.
Dictionary of Computer Science and Technology
出版单位:上海辞书出版社 出版日期:2020年12月
Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, Dec. 2020
This is a computer dictionary. The core content includes: general theory, mathematical foundation, theoretical foundation, hardware system, software system, programming, software engineering, computer network, multimedia, human-computer interaction, cyberspace security, data science technology, Artificial intelligence, quantum computing and communication, digital application scenarios.
Developing Airworthiness-Compliant Avionics Software
出版单位:上海交通大学出版社 出版日期:2020年6月
Publishing House of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, June 2020
作者:缪万胜 王金岩 王云明 沈备军 康介祥
Avionics software will affect the safety of the aircraft and its crew, so its quality and safety have received special attention. How to develop high-quality avionic software and prove that the software is safe? This book focuses on the development methods and processes of avionic software. It also expounds the key technologies for developing airworthiness-compliant and safety-critical software.
Frontiers of Big Data Technology
出版单位:电子工业出版社 出版日期:2016年3月
Electronic Industry Press, March 2006
The theory and application of big data are in the exploratory stage. This book selects some hot issues in the research and application of big data, and presents the research results of scientific research institutions to readers in a simple way. This book summarizes the technological frontiers of big data in a systematic and multi-faceted manner, so that readers can quickly understand the latest academic achievements of big data.
Software Engineering Principles
出版单位:高等教育出版社 出版日期:2013年2月
Higher Education Press, Feb. 2013
作者:沈备军 陈昊鹏 陈雨亭
This book presents a broad perspective of software engineering, focusing on the processes and techniques fundamental to the creation of reliable, software systems, following SWEBOK V3.
The book is structured into three parts: 1: Software Engineering Fundamentals 2: Software Engineering Management 3: Advanced Software Engineering.
2005 Research Report on Shanghai Software Industry Development
第十章 软件产业国际发展动态
出版单位:上海教育出版社 出版日期:2005年4月
Shanghai Educational Publishing House, April 2005
本书不仅从多角度、多层次介绍上海软件产业的发展现状和趋势,而且提供了许多重要的软件产业数据。不仅是社会公众了解上海软件产 业的读本,也是政府、企业、专家学者和软件从业人员研究软件产业发展的重要参考文献。
第十章 国际软件产业发展趋势:
三、预测2005 年
The book introduces the status and trend of Shanghai software industry, and provides a lot of valuable industry data.
Dr.Shen was responsible for chapter 10.
Contents of Chapter 10 : Development of International Software Industry
1. Out of perplexed development of software industry
2. Remarkable international trends
3. Forecast for 2005

Peer Reviews in Software: A Practical Guide
出版单位:机械工业出版社 出版日期:2003年6月
Machinery Industry Publishing House, June 2003
译者:沈备军 宿为民
本书论述了软件同级评审的整个过程,提供了保证软件质量的方法和技术,涵盖了正式和非正式的评审过程,描述了多种同级评审方法,同时对这些方法在各种不同情况下的合理运用提出了建议。 另外,本书还研究了不同的文化和社会差异对评审的影响,并揭示了建立和实施成功的同级评审计划的关键因素。 本书简明、易懂、实用性强,适于计算机软件质量管理的从业人员使用。
Concise, readable, and pragmatic, "Peer Reviews in Software" walks you through the peer review process
and gives you the specific methods and techniques you need to help ensure a quality software release.
Comprehensively covering both formal and informal processes, the book describes various peer review
methods and offers advice on their appropriate use under a variety of circumstances.

2003 Research Report on Shanghai Software Industry Development
出版单位:上海教育出版社 出版日期:2004年9月
Shanghai Educational Publishing House, Sep. 2004
本书不仅从多角度、多层次介绍上海软件产业的发展现状和趋势,而且提供了许多重要的软件产业数据。不仅是社会公众了解上海软件产 业的读本,也是政府、企业、专家学者和软件从业人员研究软件产业发展的重要参考文献。
第七章 国际软件产业发展趋势:
一、 全球软件产业格局初步形成
二、 全球软件市场进行艰难的调整巩固
三、 软件外包市场继续成为发展亮点
四、 软件产业未来发展主要趋势
The book introduces the status and trend of Shanghai software industry, and provides a lot of valuable industry data.
Dr.Shen was responsible for chapter 7.
Contents of Chapter 7 : Development Trend of International Software Industry
1. Structure of global software industry begin to formed
2. Global software product market is being regulated and consolidated hardly
3. Software epiboly market is keeping development brightness
4. Dominating development trend of software industry in future

Network and Communication Technology
Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House, Jan. 1999
随着信息技术的飞速 发展,信息产业已成为举世公认的战略性产业,我国近年来从国家到地方都对信息化建设给予高度的重视。上海在信息化的建设中也取得了显著成果,在即将进入21世纪之时,上海市政府对我国民经济与社会信息化建设提出了更加宏伟的目标。
Dr. Shen was responsible for Chapter 12: Intranet.