======Members====== =====Faculty===== * [[mem:bjshen|Beijun Shen]] * [[mem:xdgu|Xiaodong Gu]] =====Master Candidate Students===== * [[mem:dwchen|Diwei Chen]] 2021- * [[mem:gjqiu|Guanjie Qiu]] 2021- * [[mem:szhang|Shuai Zhang]] 2021- * [[mem:tyyu|Tingyue Yu]] 2022- * [[mem:mingshengJiao|Mingsheng Jiao]] 2022- * [[mem:xuanLi|Xuan Li]] 2022- * [[mem:qingxiaoTao|Qingxiao Tao]] 2023- * [[mem:shangboYun|Shangbo Yun]] 2023- =====Undergraduate Students===== * [[mem:tianyiGuo|Tianyi Guo]] * [[mem:haoyangSu|Haoyang Su]] * [[mem:weichengXin|Weicheng Xin]] * [[mem:chenXie|Chen Xie]] * [[mem:chaofanWang|Chaofan Wang]] =====Master Graduated Students===== * Nan Cui(崔楠) 2020.9-2023.3, \\ //"Zero-Shot Code Representation Learning Via Prompt Tuning"// * Shuai Yuan(原帅) 2020.9-2023.3, \\ //"Few-Shot Code Translation Via Task Adaption And Prompt Learning"// * YueTian Mao(茅悦田) 2020.9-2023.3, \\ //"Self-supervisied Query Reformulation For Code Search"// * Shouliang Yang(杨守亮) 2019.9-2022.3, \\ //"Self-supervised Learning of Smart Contract Representations"// * Wenhui Jiang(蒋文荟) 2019.9-2022.3, \\ //"Conversational Data Augmentation Based on Syntactical and Style Rewriting"// * Dangwei Wu(吴党威) 2019.9-2022.3, \\ //"Detecting and Repairing Tensor Shape Faults in Deep Learning Systems"// * Hushuang Zeng(曾虎双) 2019.9-2022.3, \\ //"Detecting API Misuses via Constraint Mining and Misuse Classification Model"// * Haozhe Qin(秦皓喆) 2019.9-2022.3, \\ //"Weakly-Supervised Question Answering and its Application in Software Engineering"// * Mingxin Zhao(赵铭心) 2019.9-2022.3, \\ //"Code Translation with Pretrained Language Models"// * JunMing Cao(曹俊铭) 2018.9-2021.3, \\ //"Locating Faulty Methods over Big Code"// * Chunqi Chen (陈春祺) 2018.9-2021.3, \\ //"On a Multi-View Attention Model for Worker-Task Matching"// * Qinyue Wu(吴秦月) 2018.9-2021.3, \\ //"Research on End User TA Programming Technologies using Knowledge Graph"// * Wei Li(李威) 2018.9-2021.3, \\ //"Learning Code-Query Interaction for Enhancing Code Searches"// * Tianjiao Du(杜天骄) 2018.9-2021.3, \\ //"Code Convention Mining, Knowledge Graph Representing and Question Answering"// * Zeyu Ni (倪泽宇)2017.9-2020.3, \\ //"Intelligent Search of Software Crowdsourcing Service using User Reviews"// * Runtao Qiao (乔润涛)2017.9-2020.3, \\ //"A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Requirement Tagging for Software Crowdsourcing Projects"// * Shuhan Yan (阎姝含)2017.9-2020.3, \\ //"Research on Natural Language Code Search: Benchmark, Empirical Study, and New Method"// * ShuFan Zhou (周树帆)2017.9-2020.3, \\ //"Research on a Code Recommendation Tool for Big Code"// * Duankang Fu (傅端康)2017.9-2020.3, \\ //"Semantic Search of Crowdsourcing Software Services Based on Knowledge Graph"// * Zhangyuan Meng (孟张圆)2016.9-2019.3, \\ //"Research and Implementation of Task-oriented Dialogue System"// * Yunxiang Xiong (熊云翔)2016.9-2019.3, China North Industries Group Corporation Limited\\ //"Research on Automatic Generation Technology of SQL Query Statements"// * Weizhi Huang (黄卫智)2015.9-2018.3, Alibaba\\ //"Modeling Developer Ability and Interest across Software Communities"// * Yu Yang (杨宇)2015.9-2018.3, MeiTuan\\ //"Research on Gray Sheep Problem in Project Recommendation System of Software Crowdsourcing"// * Ning Li (李宁)2015.9-2018.3, MeiTuan\\ //"Personalized Project Search in Software Crowdsourcing Platform Based on Text Mining"// * Xiang Dong (董翔)2015.9-2018.3, PayPal\\ //"Automatic Construction of Large-Scale Software Engineering Knowledge Base"// * Kai Chen (陈凯)2015.9-2018.3, Microsoft\\ //"Detecting Abnormal Relation in Linked Data"// * Qing He (何清)2014.9-2017.3, HuaWei\\ //"Software Defect Prediction Based on Semi-supervised Learning and Voting Theory"// * Zhenzheng Qian (钱贞峥)2014.9-2017.3, Nomura\\ //"Evaluate Quality-in-use of Software through User Feedback"// * Cheng Zhang (张程)2014.9-2017.3, PinDuoDuo\\ //"Software Project Development Process Recommendation Using Best Practice Repository"// * Shensi Tong (童燊嗣)2014.9-2017.3, Microsoft\\ //"Early Software Effort Estimation Supported by Semantic Analysis of Requirement Documents"// * Xiaoning Liu (刘晓宁)2014.9-2017.3, Microsoft\\ //"Stackoverflow-based Solution Recommendation for Software Exceptions"// * Xuyang Cai (蔡栩阳)2014.9-2017.3, Hundsun\\ //"Automatic Tag Construction and Intelligent Repositories Search for Open Source Software Communities"// * Wenkai Mo (莫文凯)2014.9-2017.3, PayPal\\ //"Research on the Cold-start Problem in Software Crowdsourcing Platform"// * Jiangang Zhu (朱剑钢)2013.9-2016.3, Microsoft\\ //"Construction of a Large scale Linked Open Schema and its Application in Software Engineering"// * Shizhe Fu (傅诗哲) 2013.9-2016.3, Yuanjing Power\\ //"Code Bad Smell Detection Using Software Evolution History Data Mining"// * Fagui Mao (毛发贵) 2013.9-2016.3, Yuewen Group Co.\\ //"Operational Pattern Based Code Generation for Domain Specific Information Management System"// * Zece Zhu (朱泽策) 2013.9-2016.3, UnionPay\\ //"Change Impact Analysis Using Linked Data of Software Engineering"// * Shixiong Zhao (赵世雄) 2013.9-2016.3, Public Servant\\ //"Developers and Tasks Recommendation in Software Crowdsourcing"// * Yuchen Zhang (张宇臣) 2013.9-2016.3, Public Servant\\ //"Automatic Construction of Crowded Software Engineering Linked Data Based on Ontology"// * Biwen Li (李碧雯)2012.9-2015.3, VMware\\ //"Cross-Project Defect Prediction based on Transfer Learning"// * Halong Zhang (张瀚珑) 2012.9-2015.3, Baidu\\ //"Illegal Site Identification Using Template Detection"// * Yu Zhang (张宇) 2012.9-2015.3, Jiake\\ //"Software Defect Prediction Based on Social Software Engineering"// * Zhengyu Hu (胡征宇) 2012.9-2015.3, Public Servant\\ //"Research on End-User Programming Technologies for Mobile Children Educational Game"// * Meixi Dai (戴美喜) 2012.9-2015.3, Public Servant\\ //"Source File Consecutive Change Impact Analysis On Software Quality"// * Jun Wang (王俊) 2011.9-2014.3, Intel\\ //"Software Defect Prediction using Program Slicing"// * Weicheng Yang (杨维成) 2011.9-2014.3, Baidu\\ //"Source Code Evolution Analysis Using Software Repository"// * Tao Liu (刘涛) 2011.9-2014.3, Mobei\\ //"Detecting Android Privacy Leaks Based on Interprocedual Analysis"// * Ying Jia (贾颖) 2011.9-2014.3, Unionpay\\ //"Towards End-User Simple Programming"// * Tianyu Yu (郁天宇) 2011.9-2014.3, IBM\\ //"Research on a Domain-specific Language for End-user Programming"// * Juli Yuan (苑举立) 2011.9-2014.3, Ali\\ //"Detecting Capability Leak of Android Applications"// * Fei Lu (陆飞) 2010-.9-2013.3, Baidu\\ //"Towards Social Engineering: Research on Analysis and Mining of Social Networking Services"// * Ben Xu (徐奔) 2010.9-2013.3, Ruizhan\\ //"Visual Mining of Developer'S Behavioral Characteristics in Open Source Software"// * Jing Li (李靖) 2010.9-2013.3, Dell\\ //"Dynamic Adaptation of Case Cooperative Handling Process"// * Ting Sang (桑厅) 2010.9-2013.3, Lishifeixun\\ //"Research and Development of Memory Forensics Tools"// * Bo Yang (杨博) 2010.9-2013.3, Amazon Beijing\\ //"Research on Security of Android Applications"// * Ping Cai (蔡平) 2010.9-2013.3, Dazhongdianping\\ //"Research on Security of NoSQL Databases Based on Hadoop"// * Kai Zhou (周凯) 2009.9-2012.3, Microsoft\\ //"Research on Software Operation and Maintenance Service Management Process"// * Menghan Chen (陈梦含) 2009.9-2012.3, Sony Tokyo\\ //"Research on a Middleware for Rapid Integration of Enterprise Application and M2M Platform"// * Beichen Duan (段北晨) 2009.9-2012.3, Baidu\\ //"Research on Software Process Mining Using Software Repository"// * Hui Shi (石卉) 2009.9-2012.3, SAP\\ //"Research on Application of SaaS Technology in HR Service Platform"// * Yunlu Gao (高云璐) 2009.9-2012.3, Dazhongdianping\\ //"Research on Trust Evaluation Technology for Cloud Computing"// * Shuai Zhao (赵帅) 2009.9-2012.3, the Third Research Institute of Public Security Office\\ //"Research on Trust Evaluation Technology for Cloud Computing"// * Teng Zhang (张腾) 2009.9-2012.3, AliPay\\ //"Research on Multiple Media Supported Digital Forensic Method and Platform"// * Gang Ning (宁刚) 2009.9-2012.3, UnionPay\\ //"Research and Implementation of Resource Management System Based on Xen Virtual Machine"// * Yi Xu (徐祎) 2009.9-2012.3, Baidu\\ //"Research on a High Secure Access Control Model for Web Applications"// * Baozhen Ding (丁保贞) 2009.9-2012.3, Dazhihui\\ //"Research on a Code Analysis Tool Based on Dynamic Symbolic Execution"// * Xucheng Tang (唐旭成) 2008.9-2011.3, Tencent\\ //"Quality Model, Performance Evaluation and Optimization Techniques of SaaS Applications"// * Zhihao Shen (沈志浩) 2008.9-2011.3, Ruizhan\\ //"Research on Credit Evaluation Model for Electronic Commerce"// * Wei Chen (陈伟) 2008.9-2011.3, Alipay\\ //"Research on Software Customization Technology for SaaS Applications"// * Xuesong Zhang (章雪松) 2008.9-2011.3, Intel\\ //"Research on Method and Technology of Migrating Web Application to SaaS"// * Yinghong Zhu (祝颖泓) 2008.9-2011.3, Intel\\ //"Design and Implementation of Remote Virtual Cryptographic Device"// * Zheng Song (宋铮) 2008.9-2011.3, the Third Research Institute of Public Security Office\\ //"Research on Virtual Computing-Related Forensics"// * Shanxue Hu (胡善学) 2008.9-2011.3, the Third Research Institute of Public Security Office\\ //"Research and Implementation of Acess control System based on Smart Card"// * Jiajing Zhou (周家晶) 2008.9-2011.3, Unionpay\\ //"Research on Cross-Domain Authorization Management System"// * Xin Huang (黄欣) 2007.9-2010.3, Education Abroad\\ //"Research on Metamodel and Customization Technology of IT Service Support Process"// * Ziyi Lin (林子熠) 2007.9-2010.3, Ph.D Candidate Student in Shanghai Jiao Tong University\\ //"Research and Implementation of Template based Web News Searching Technology"// * Wei Yan (严威) 2007.9-2010.3, China Merchants Bank\\ //"Distributed IT Service Support Platform Based on ITIL"// * Wenwei Tang (唐文炜) 2006.9-2009.3, IBM\\ //"Research and Implementation of Model-Driven Business Process Modeler"// * Jianping Qian (钱建平) 2006.9-2009.3, Shanda\\ //"A MDA Tool for the Development of Service Components"// * Hanzhe Wang (王函哲) 2006.9-2009.3, Data Center of ICBC\\ //"Research and Implementation of a MDA Tool for Component Code Generation"// * Hanyue Yang (杨晗玥) 2005.9-2008.3, SAP\\ //"Dynamic Coupling Measurement for Aspect-Oriented Software"// * Zhecong Liang (梁哲聪) 2005.9-2008.3, Anyonghuaming\\ //"Research on Some Key Technologies of Component-based Software Upgrade"// * Pai Li (李湃) 2005.9-2008.3, Dazhongdianping\\ //"Automatic Detection of Design Flaws in Object Oriented Software Based on Metrics"// * Yue Pan (潘悦) 2003.9-2006.3\\ //"The Research of Component-Based Agile Software Engineering"// * Liang Hong (洪亮) 2002-2005.4\\ //"Development of Project Management Platform for Software Enterprises"// * Lei Shen (沈雷) 2002-2005.1, BaoSteel\\ //"Research and Practice of Software Quality Assurance Based on Agile Process"// * Linlin Yan (颜灵灵) 2001-2004.12\\ //"Design and Implementation of a J2EE-based Online Banking Service System"// * Jian Sun (孙健) 2001-2004,5\\ //"Research and Development of J2EE-based Common Data Management Components"//