======Xuyang Cai (蔡栩阳)====== {{:mem:caixuyang.png?nolink&110|}} Dept. of Computer Science&Technology\\ Shanghai Jiao Tong University * **Email**: bakercxy@163.com * **Office**: Room 1405, School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200240, China I am a Master Students in Department of Computer Science and Technology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I am very fortunate to be advised by [[mem:bjshen|Prof. Shen]]. I obtained my bachelor degree in Software Engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2014. I have developed a search engine [[http://base.sjtu.edu.cn:2016/|OpenSoSo]] to help users or software developers find open-source repositories semantically in Github. You can search your expected repositories by entering any keywords (such as //"mongodb java demo"//). I'll be glad if you can have a try! LOL Here is a [[http://base.sjtu.edu.cn:2016/JointForce|Demo]] system we developed for software health prediction, analysis & evaluation.